We know that you're doing awesome things, big and small, to make change in your community. Tell us about how you inspire other people to act and you could win a $2,000 grant or even the grand prize: two (2) tickets to the August 2011 Do Something Awards, live from Los Angeles. Yep, that's right, DoSomething.org and PBteen will fly you to Los Angeles for a weekend of fun, sun and of course a star-studded show celebrating young people who are rocking the causes they care about. Four $2,000 Grants and one Grand Prize of a trip to the DoSomething Awards will be awarded. The application deadline is February 2. Please click here for more information.
- College Students: The winner will be awarded a $5,000 academic service scholarship. The runner-up and the "fan favorite" will each receive $2,500 scholarships.
- College Service-Learning Centers: $2,500 grants will go to each college or university service-learning center of each of the three scholarship recipients for the purpose of supporting their civic engagement programs for students.
- Nonprofit Partners: $2,500 grants will go to each nonprofit organization/community agency that sponsored the winning service projects of each of the three scholarship recipients for the purpose of supporting their vital community work.
Washington Campus Compact and Inspireum have partnered to provide the Students in Service Awards™ to celebrate the inspirational service work of these outstanding students. Please click here for more information.
The Gannett Foundation supports local organizations in communities served by Gannett Co., Inc. Community Action Grant priorities include education and neighborhood improvement, economic development, youth development, community problem-solving, assistance to disadvantaged people, environmental conservation and cultural enrichment. The average grant amount is in the $1,000 to $5,000 range. Proposals should be submitted to the contact at the daily newspaper or television station in your area by February 16th or August 17th. Some locations have earlier deadlines, and they are listed in the Grant Contact list. Please click here for more information.
Katie's Krops is now accepting applications to win a grant to start vegetable gardens to feed people in need. Grantees will be awarded materials necessary to create a garden (up to $400), support from Katie's Krops, and a digital camera to document the garden and the harvest. Applications for all types of vegetable gardens will be considered such as a container garden for city residents or a school, church or neighborhood garden. Applicants must be between the ages of 9 and 16 (as of February 11, 2011). Applications must be post marked by February 11, 2011. Please click here for more information.
The mission of Katie's Krops is to start and maintain vegetable gardens of all sizes and donate the harvest to help feed people in need, as well as to assist and inspire others to do the same. The idea for Katie's Krops began with a 9 year old girl and a 40 pound cabbage. In 2008 Katie Stagliano brought home a tiny cabbage seedling home from school as part of the Bonnie Plants 3rd Grade Cabbage Program. She tended to her cabbage and cared for it until it grew to an amazing 40 pounds. Knowing her cabbage was special she donated to a soup kitchen where it helped to feed over 275 people. Moved by the experience of seeing how many people could benefit from the donation of fresh produce to soup kitchens, Stagliano decided to start vegetable gardens and donate the harvest to help feed people in need.
Win an all-expense paid trip to visit Kids to Kids projects in Peru! World Connect is looking for two youth to represent the Kids to Kids Program in Peru this summer for a trip led by one of their outstanding partners, Putney Student Travel. The two winners will receive an all-expenses paid trip to Peru to serve as Kids to Kids Field Reporters on a month-long excursion. The trip will combine community service, cultural immersion and multiple site visits to Kids to Kids projects. Applications are due on February 15, 2011. Please click here for more information.
The application period for the STOP Hunger Scholarships is from January 1 through February 18, 2011. Please click here for more information.
The Huggable Heroes program recognizes young leaders between the ages of eight and 18 years old, doing extraordinary things in their communities or around the world to better the lives of others. Now through February 28, entries are being accepted for the 2011 search for Build-A-Bear Workshop Huggable Heroes. Ten Huggable Heroes will be selected and each will be awarded with a $7,500 educational scholarship and a $2,500 donation to the 501 (c)(3) charity of his/her choice. Entry forms are available at all Build-A-Bear Workshop stores in the United States, Puerto Rico and Canada, and online. Please click here for more information.
Could you use $100,000 to change the world? The Do Something Awards (formerly the BR!CK Awards) identifies exceptional young social entrepreneurs, activists, and community leaders who are tackling a problem and changing the world. Five nominees will be rewarded with a $10,000 community grant, participation in a live VH1 TV show, media coverage and continued support from DoSomething.org. The grand prize winner will receive $100,000 during the live broadcast!! Application closes March 1st, 2011. Please click here for more information.
As citizens and future stewards of our planet, today's students are in a unique position to become active agents of environmental change. Siemens We Can Change the World Challenge - Encourages students from grades K-12 to team up with their classmates to create replicable solutions to environmental issues in their schools (grades K to five), community (grades six to eight) and world (grades nine to 12). The goal of the Siemens We Can Change the World Challenge is to do more than jus t give kids a chance to formulate an experiment and carry it out. Contestants explore an environmental problem that affects their community. As part of the challenge, students must also put together guidelines for how other communities could repeat the project, and they share those guidelines as part of th e contest. Prizes include scholarships, savings bonds, teacher awards, school grants, adventure trips, and green products. Please click here for more information.